Joey Edwardh
Co-FounderJoey has a life-long commitment to human rights as the foundation for strengthening social programs as well as protecting the environment
Peter Clutterbuck
Co-FounderPeter has led community mobilization efforts on a broad range of social policy issues including poverty eradication, inclusive communities and mental health
Susan McGrath C.M.
Co-FounderSusan is an experienced practitioner and researcher in social policy issues and recognized for her work in the field of forced migration
David Thornley
Co-FounderDavid has a long history both in government and the non-profit sector advocating policy change in community health, affordable housing and efforts to end poverty.
Brigitte Kitchen
Co-FounderBrigitte is a strong advocate for universal human rights and economic and social equality through deepening democracy and strengthening civil society.
Laurel Rothman
Co-FounderLaurel has been a tireless advocate for strengthening families, including the importance of access to quality child care and the eradication of child poverty.
Linda Terry
VolunteerLinda is focused on developing and engaging communities, advocating for affordable housing, age friendly communities and poverty elimination. She sits on many local advisory committees.
Melinda Zytaruk
VolunteerMelinda is an innovator in the design and construction of sustainable building systems, and is engaged in efforts to create community land trusts